If you struggle with the setup, feel free to use a support channel in our Discord!
We recommend not to use this connection method unless there is no other working option.
Game device (pc)
Radar device (second pc)
1.1. Download DefenderControl and disable Windows Defender with it.
1.2. Open CMD and type "ipconfig"
Take note of your IPv4 address
Take note of your default gateway.
1.3. Win + R and run “ncpa.cpl”
1.5. Right click your primary internet adapter and open Properties.
1.6. Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open Properties
1.7. Use “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”
Click “OK”
Make sure "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" is not ticked.
Click OK then Close.
1.8. Go back to the "Network Connections Window" and press ALT once.
Click File -> Then click "New Incoming Connection".
Add someone (bottom left).
Enter username and password.
Click OK.
Then click Next.
Tick “Through the Internet”.
Then click Next.
Select "Internet Protocol Version 4" (Already selected by default, make sure it is ticked
Then select properties
Make sure “Network Access” is ticked.
Under “IP address assignment” tick “Specifiy IP Addresses”
Use your Default Gateway from earlier, to create a proper IP-Address range for “Specify IP addresses”
For example: if gateway is – use to for the ip range. – Then select “OK”
Or use: to, or try to
First three sectors (x.x.x.x format) must match gateway.
Select OK then Allow Access
2.1. Press Windows + X
Select "Network Connections"
2.2. Go to “VPN” on left side
2.3. Click “Add a VPN Connection” on the top
VPN Provider: Windows (built-in)
Connection name: Whatever you want to use
Server name or address: Insert the IPv4 address from ipconfig of the Radar-PC
VPN type: PPTP
User name: User you made on incoming connections on Radar-PC
Password: Password you made on incoming connections on Radar-PC
Click Save.
2.4. Click the Connection Icon on the right side of your Taskbar and connect to your vpn.
You are done with the Windows-VPN setup.
If you have any questions or get stuck somewhere in the guide feel free to open a ticket or ask in a support channel on the Discord!
If you have any ideas or improvements for the guide feel free to message PaXe#1111 on Discord or leave a comment under this guide
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so don't be shy and let us know what you think!