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Everything posted by paxe

  1. Look for appwiz.cpl on your windows search bar and open it. On the left side of the window click on "View installed updates." Sort by "Installed On" and remove the latest security updates. Right click the update to get the 'Uninstall' option. If you don't get an "Uninstall" option by right clicking you might need to reinstall your windows. After uninstalling the updates we recommend blocking Windows updates using this tool. WindowsUpdateBlocker.zip Reboot your PC after uninstalling the updates. Older updates might pop up after rebooting so make sure to check if your Windows is now on the desired version.
  2. Hello It does tell you upon adding the product to your cart. See screenshot below. Since you already have a ticket open in the discord we will continue there. /closed and continued in ticket
  3. Hey For EFT there's two option how you can run it. DMA: You need to buy the EFT subscription and own a compatible DMA Hardware. VIP+ You need to buy the EFT subscription AND the VIP+ subsciption. The VIP+ membership in this case would be the "premium membership" you are talking about. VIP+ basically gives you access to a program that does the stuff the DMA card would usually do. It needs another dev and thus the extra cost that comes with it. Let us know if you have any other questions. For faster response times we recommend joining us on our discord https://discord.gg/Y8VgGpgDBt
  4. Hello Lagswitch works as always. Our LagSwitch has never been detected. The way it is coded makes it very very hard to ever get detected, at most it would get patched. And even that is is very unlikely, and we don't see that happening anytime in the near future.
  5. Hello 1. We recommend using RDP, but Teamviewer should work just fine. 2. Kaspersky will most likely cause isses, many antivirus cannot be fully disabled (even if it looks like it) and will still interfere with the system. You might get away with just disabling it when running our software and enabling it again after, but please keep in mind we cannot promise/guarantee anything in regards to this. 2-1. Already answered in 2. - Further: We did not test this as we don't recommmend/support this, if there are any issues during setup we won't really be able to provide help as long as we don't know that kaspersky isn't causing any problems. 3. HWID bans are really random, sometimes you receive HWID bans and sometimes you don't. The only way of knowing for sure is by risking a new acoount. However, our VIP+ Solution has been safe for about 6 months and DMA for about a year.
  6. Hey https://discord.gg/Y8VgGpgDBt
  7. Hello That's something @Uwe or @Kenion will have to look at in more detail. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
  8. https://discord.gg/Y8VgGpgDBt Let me know if it works
  9. Use this one for now. Thank you
  10. any error messages?
  11. Hello If you are talking about multiple perspectives at the same time then that's gonna be a no. That would be pretty much the same as giving you multiple subscriptions for the price of one. Technically that would probably be possible but I am pretty sure that's not something we are going to implement. If you are just talking about switching perspective then you can already do so by hitting tab and selecting the player you want to have the perspective of. I hope that answered your question.
  12. Hello Here are the commands: Auto Update: sc config wuauserv start= auto net start wuauserv Firewall: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on Fast Startup: REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" /V HiberbootEnabled /T REG_dWORD /D 1 /F
  13. I can confirm this. Also, Q4 is still planned. However with the chip shortage still going strong we can not really promise that we will 100% still get them in 2021. Unfortunately it is very unpredictable at the moment.
  14. All good If you need anything else don't hesitate to open a ticket in the discrod for fastest support or simply reply here.
  15. You need to click the bacon After that you can see the presale-general channel and check the pins
  16. Hello You should always pick a vps that is close to you so that a good ping is ensured -- it needs to be a windows VPS with at least 2 cores and 4gb ram. You can find a recommended list in the pinned messages of the presale channel in our discord, The Radar and ESP will both be displayed in a separate window and NOT in-game. 21H1 should work just fine.
  17. Hello For obvious reasons we can't really talk about how our solutions work in public but we have our ways to get to the data we need :). We recommend a 2 PC setup for best performance but both work fine. You won't need a fresh install of windows, but both PCs need to be Windows 10 1909 or newer - You can check that by running the winver command. Once you purchase your subscriptions you will get access to detailed step by step guides that guide you through the setup and we also have a nice support team on discord that is almost 24/7 available to help you out in case you get stuck somewhere.
  18. Hello stg, You can find the RouterVM as a direct download at the top of the Guide Page. Unzip the file you get with that download and then open it from the VMWare Player.
  19. Feel free to open a ticket in our discord if you require assistance with this setup! We kindly ask that you at least try to follow the Text Guide before opening a ticket! For your own safety we advise you to carefully read ALL the red text on this page : ) Requirements You will need everything that is listed below to make this work with our Solutions! Hardware Game device (Your main Gaming PC) Needs to be Windows 10 1909 or later. Radar device (Second PC/Laptop ) Needs to be at least 2Cores and 4GB RAM. Second PC needs to be Windows 10 1909 or later. Software ClutchRouterVM (Second PC) Direct Download Text Guide Make sure that BOTH PCs are connected directly to your router or the same switch and have a working Internet connection before following this guide! ON RADAR PC 1.1. Unzip the ClutchRouterVM.zip 1.2. Install the VMware-player. Just click next until the setup is completed. 1.3. Open VMware Workstation 16 Player 1.4. Click Open a Virtual Machine. 1.5. Select the ClutchRouterVM.ovf 1.6. Choose a name and storage path. Defaults should be fine here. Hit Import 1.7. Power on the ClutchRouterVM inside the VMware Workstation 16 Player. 1.8. Let the Virtual Machine boot and it will restart once. Wait for it to reboot and don't do anything! 1.9. After it's back on login with the user "clutch" 1.10 Type ipx to see the ip of the Virtual Machine. ON Gaming-PC 2.1. Open ncpa.cpl, doubleclick your main internet adapter, click Properties and double click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" 2.2. Set a static IP-Address on the Gaming-PC -> you need to use the same values as displayed by ipconfig. Do not use the values from the two screenshots below, these are example images! You need to use addresses that work with your network, if you run ipconfig in cmd on the Gaming-PC you can copy the values that are displayed there. -> If you lose internet connection at this step you are 99% using an address that does not match your local network, make sure you copy the one displayed by ipconfig. 2.3. Go into advanced. Click "Add" under "default gateways" Next to Gateway type your Router's IP address, untick "Automatic metric" and enter 100 and click "Add". -> If you don't know it you can type ipconfig in cmd on the Radar-PC and look for "Default Gateway". Click "Add" under "default gateways" Next to Gateway type your VM's IP address, untick "Automatic metric" and enter 50 and click "Add". Click "OK" Click "OK" 2.4. Untick "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" 2.5. You should be ready to go! Troubleshooting / Testing Functionality Testing Functionality Open CMD on the Gaming-PC and run the following command tracert -d google.com This will return multple lines with latencys and IP adresses relevant to the route it takes to it's destination. Only the first line matters and it has to be the IP adress that was returned by the "ipx" command. If it is not make sure that firewalls are off and the Gaming-PC can ping the ipx IP address. Troubleshooting No Internet after setting the static IP-Adress Instead of using your gateway as the DNS server try using or If these troubleshooting steps don't fix your connection issue we can help you in a ticket on our discord server! Feel free to open a ticket in our discord if you require assistance with this setup! We kindly ask that you at least try to follow the Text Guide before opening a ticket! If you have any ideas or improvements for this guide feel free to message PaXe#1111 on Discord. It's always nice to see some feedback so don't be shy and let us know what you think!
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  20. Already unbanned by @Kenion. @Mangowill investigate why it happened in the first place. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  21. @UwePlease check this out
  22. Hello. It is blocked and will not work.
  23. If you struggle with the setup, feel free to use the secret-membership channel in our Discord! For your own security we advice you to carefully read ALL the red text on this page : ) Installing Windows 0.0. Select your preferences and click Next. 0.1. Click Install now. 0.2. Click "I don't have a product key" 0.3. Select your preferred Windows verison (We recommend Windows 10 Pro or Pro N) and click Next. 0.4. Tick "I accept the license terms" and click Next. 0.5. Click "Custom: Insall Windows only (advanced)" 0.6. Select the drive you want to install Windows on and click Next. 0.7. Wait for the installation to finish. 0.8. From now on every setting is up to your preference. If you have any questions or get stuck somewhere in the guide feel free to open a ticket or ask in the "secret-membership" channel! If you have any ideas or improvements for the guide feel free to message PaXe#1111 on Discord or leave a comment under this guide It's always nice to see some feedback so don't be shy and let me know what you think!
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  24. If you struggle with the setup, feel free to use the support channels in our Discord! For your own security we advice you to carefully read ALL the red text on this page : ) Windows Media Creation Tool 0.1. Download the Windows Media Creation Tool. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 0.1. Open the MediaCreationTool*.exe 0.2. Accept the license terms 0.3. Select "Create isntallation media (SUB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC Click Next 0.4. Select the options you need (All of our products only work with Windows 10 64-bit) Click Next 0.5. Select "ISO file" Click Next 0.6. Select a folder you want to save it to and click "Save" 0.7. Wait for the download to be completed. 0.8. Click Finish If you have any questions or get stuck somewhere in the guide feel free to open a ticket or ask in one of our support channels! If you have any ideas or improvements for the guide feel free to message PaXe#1111 on Discord or leave a comment under this guide It's always nice to see some feedback so don't be shy and let me know what you think!
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