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Everything posted by Drac

  1. Hello, 1- We don't support Faceit and Gamersclub at the moment and no ETA when but we will make announcement once its ready. 2- You need to plug your DMA at your main PC and the cable 3.0 from your DMA to your 2nd PC ( We have guides text / videos ) explain you everything so it should be easy , you can use notebook yes it should be win 10 or 11. 3- Fuser means : device that combines HDMI signals, meaning you can overlay the ESP from one monitor onto another/ you don't need fuser if you don't have it. 4- Yes you need to download the software at your USB stick/Flash drive and you use it on your gaming PC , the config settings are online 5- CS2 Radar still under progress , no ETA when but should be soon. You can ask any questions you want, you also can join our discord for live support and we offer many support languages https://discord.clutch-solution.com/
  2. Hello, yes after your sub run out you can play normally, no need to reinstall windows
  3. you meant the token, please can you join our discord for live support https://discord.clutch-solution.com/ VIP+ for eft is disable now for updating, it will be up soon
  4. Do you mean at discord ?
  5. Soon we are testing it now
  6. Hello, No you cant. You need 1PC with VPS or 2PCs
  7. At the moment its disabled, it needs update we will make announcement once its ready again
  8. Hello, for which game ? Only EFT Require 1PC+VPS, the rest of our 1PC solutions doesn't require VPS just 1PC
  9. No plans for it at the moment
  10. 1- EAC and BattlEye two different anti-cheats, so if your signature of ur DMA got detected on BattlEye it could be undetected on EAC. 2- If you don't run any game you should be fine
  11. Great, also I recommend you to join our discord for live support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  12. Hello, Thats mean you load clutch master many times in few hours, do you have any issues ? I reset your limit. Please read the red text
  13. Hello, As i see you have only EFT and VIP+ Which means yes you have ESP but on ur 2nd PC/Screen But if you want ESP on ur main pc it called chams you need to buy clutchbox
  14. Hello, thats mean you load clutch master many times in few hours, please let us know if you have any issues so we can help you. I reset ur limit please read the red text as well.
  15. Hello, you only need to reset your HWID if you got the message HWID locked, and yes if you finished your HWID resets then you need to buy them https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/41-hwid-reset/
  16. Hello, yes its working and updated
  17. Clutch Solution is proud to announce that we updated all our eft cheats for the new Escape from Tarkov wipe patch Get ready for new In-Game content. Secure playing and easy clutches with the best EFT cheats and hacks on the market. Available here. Have Fun! Best regards, Drac
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  18. Hi everyone! Regarding Firmware, we've developed an new update for DMA Cards. This update is recommended for all users. If you purchased previously* Unique Custom Firmware you will get 50% discount on your update. For this, please check out our store. The update is available since 20.Nov.2023. If you purchased after this date, no update is needed for you, this applies also for enigma-x1.com. If you are unsure about your Firmware version or if you have other questions, please ask us in our forums or discord. Best regards, Drac *Requires an active sub and previous purchased custom firmware.
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  19. Where is the pictures ?
  20. Solved in discord
  21. Yes you got kicked from our discord I will check ur issues with the Mods and let you know
  22. Please join our discord and open support ticket so i can pull our japanese support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
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