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Everything posted by Drac

  1. The cheese currently undetected its all depends on how you play , if you play smart and safe and not wipe lobbies you should be fine Join our discord for live support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  2. we cant do anything from our side once the payment arrive you will get instantly the membership
  3. Hello, yes sure I recommend you to join discord for live support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  4. Nope , only csgo DMA supported
  5. Yes dev working on it
  6. -Never -Never feel free to join our discord for live support
  7. As soon as the payment arrive you will get the membership instantly
  8. There is many different payment option please check them here
  9. Just reboot ur pc and reinject again , you can only inject 1 time per boot feel free to join our discord for live support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  10. Yes, if you have DMA hardware https://enigma-x1.com/
  11. Hello, amazon pay temporarily disabled , please try different payment method
  12. Yes its updated to season 17 and its UD aprox 8-9 months
  13. Hello , you need to tell us which game rust , apex? -But in general DMA is very hard to detect if you are talking about apex I have been using the cheese almost 3 years on my main and I never got banned , ofc I play smart and with legit settings -And no ur teammates wont get banned -There is 2 solutions, software and hardware hardware: required DMA https://enigma-x1.com/ and 2 pcs + ApexaDMA sub software: required 1PC + Apexsoftware sub
  14. we will make announcement once its ready
  15. You can buy it from any PC it doesn't matter
  16. There will be 2 options Radar or ESP so you can pick and use what you like xD
  17. what u mean by rcs ? no you dont need to restart after every inject
  18. everything is good ? also I recommend you to join our discord for live support https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  19. Hello join the entrance discord then open ticket https://discord.com/invite/uSPfFpDJ6W
  20. We cant know that because u didnt purchased it from us , If you are worried I would recommend you to buy Firmware from us https://clutch-solution.com/category/14-firmware-for-dma-devices/
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