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Everything posted by paxe

  1. hello https://clutch-solution.com/clients/purchases/
  2. Hello, sorry for the wait. Can you join our discord so that support can troubleshoot this with you? https://discord.clutch-solution.com/
  3. Hello There has been a lot of fraudulent activity recently so we need to manually very credit card purchases. An admin will review your purchase as soon as they are available. I apologize for the inconvenience
  4. send me a dm with: 1. old email 2. new email 3. reason for the change https://clutch-solution.com/messenger/compose/?to=80
  5. Hello Does it happen a lot? Try disabling chams if you have them enabled and see if it still happens
  6. Hello I think @Drac got mixed up here. Pretty sure he meant that we support controller on PC. We do not have console support for anything
  7. Hello It's all personal preference and how much you value your accounts. Hardware cheats will always be safer than 1PC cheats. Just keep in mind that nothing is 100% undetectable. All the products that are available on our store are currently undetected.
  8. We are still looking into those since many broke with the wipe update. Some [in progress] features work partly and some not at all. For now we focused on stability and safety first. Now we are working on getting these features back online
  9. Hello you can buy a fuser here https://enigma-x1.com/ It's a device to overlay 2 display signals. So that you can have a ESP without software on the Gaming-PC. Yes 2PCs are required, as well as a DMA Card. You can find a DMA Card on enigma as well
  10. Hello It's possible to run it without a DMA card. But that required you to buy an additional subscription You can see it herehttps://clutch-solution.com/cheat/3-escape-from-tarkov-radar-esp-misc-vip/ Yes. Without DMA it was at the last wipe. We completely reworked it since then and have also had no issues since that time.
  11. As long as you play and use it smart there will be no issues The software itself will not get you banned currently
  12. There are a lot of reasons Some changes are detected by some providers and some not. Since our priority is always safety we don't touch those. Every AC/Game uses different values and different methods to get these values. And a lot more
  13. please check and follow every step in the setup guide. you are missing some steps.
  14. Yes we are currently looking into getting aimbot going. Radar might be possible as well, but a radar is a lot of work so I can't really give any promises on that. A couple other features as well but nothing decided yet.
  15. what is your discord name? The one linked to your forum account is not banned
  16. If you didn't get a key then you need to contact the reseller you bought from
  17. please answer my question if you want to get unabanned have you secured your account? enabled 2fa and changed passwords?
  18. Clutch-Solution is proud to annouce that we updated our eft cheats for the new Escape from tarkov wipe patch 0.15.0 Get ready for the new In-Game content. Secure playing and easy clutches with the best EFT cheats and hacks on the market. Available here. Added support for latest wipe Added new marathon locations and quests Arena support will be added in the next 24 hours Best Regards, PaXe
  19. We are still working on that. Should work by the end of the day (UTC +2)
  20. have you secured your account? enabled 2fa and changed passwords?
  21. join our discord and check the news channels
  22. i've removed your ban
  23. Hello, Thank you, we are aware and already working on it
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