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Everything posted by paxe

  1. As @PKU4LIFEalready said. You can change the game on left side of the page.
  2. It's being updated to work with the latest game version.
  3. Try joining using an incognito tab on your browser or the discord client incase you aren't. Discord also has a limit of 100 servers per user, maybe you are hitting that cap? I have also dm'd you a 1x use invite link, you can try with that as well. The invite is confirmed working and there is no record of you on the server, so no bans etc.
  4. If you bought from a reseller then check your messages/emails with the reseller. If you bought directly from us the license gets activated immediately.
  5. It's a bit more difficult but theoretically the 2nd PC can be a MAC. As long as it's not a M1 or M2 chip it should work. You would need to run it in a virtual machine or dual boot with Windows 10 / Windows 11.
  6. You also get detailed step by step guides after purchase
  7. We don't really share the limits as it's more of a protection against people trying to get a hold of the code. We understand that during first setup or in the beginning some users might experience issues and that's why we usually reset without issues. However, after you got used on how to use it it shouldn't be an issue anymore. If you are experiencing some major issues with our software I recommend joining the discord and opening a ticket for easier live support. Also keep in mind that you only need to reload clutchmaster after rebooting the Gaming-PC. There is no way to unload it except for rebooting the pc and it will always work unless you reboot.
  8. I reset your limit for you. Please try not to load it too often in the future. The issue with the cmd windows shouldn't be related to us. First time I'm hearing that.
  9. Second PC has to be a PC or laptop that can run windows 10. Minimum requirements are 2 core 4gb ram, recommended is a bit more. In case you are talking about EFT/VIP+ you can use a VPS as well. VPS is basically a virtual PC hosted in the cloud you can connect to. Need to get that from a third party provider though. Min specs are the same as for the second pc.
  10. Hello, You should be able to just join with this link: https://discord.com/invite/Y8VgGpgDBt Let us know how it goes
  11. any old laptop will do just fine. Only needs to be capable of running windows 10 and have at least 2 cores and 4gb ram, recommended is a bit more.
  12. Hey Open a ticket in the discord please.
  13. Hello Please respond in your ticket
  14. just get an ergonomic office chair Gaming chairs are mostly overpriced and just not good.
  15. Raptor firmware works fine. It uses the same base as ours
  16. Ja entweder dual boot oder vanguard halt jedes mal installieren und deinstallieren. Musst ja nicht das ganze game deinstallieren, vanguard reicht.
  17. Hello sure check this out
  18. This is the only DMA Card that is currently in stock: https://shop.lambdaconcept.com/home/50-screamer-pcie-squirrel.html If you go the dma route then you will need a eft subscription as well: https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/12-escape-from-tarkov-esp-and-radar/ If you do not want to go the dma route then you have the option of purchasing the eft and vip+ subscription: https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/12-escape-from-tarkov-esp-and-radar/ https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/2-vip-membership-for-eft-only/ This combination will work without a dma device.
  19. Just post the link, it will automatically embed
  20. Make sure that firewalls are off and ipv6 is disabled. If this does not fix it please join our discord and open a ticket for live support https://discord.gg/Y8VgGpgDBt
  21. Windows Dual Boot Guide Failing to accurately follow this guide can lead to dataloss and/or inability to boot into your OS. Continue at your own risk! If you have any questions regarding any of the steps don't hesitate to contact us on our Discord Server. 1.1 Download a Windows 2004 64bit iso from this website. https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php -> You can continue with the guide while this downloads. 1.2. Open diskmgmt.msc and look for a partition that has enough Free Space for a Windows installation (~30GB) and all the games you need on there. Right click on the Volume and hit "Shrink Volume..." Enter the disk size you want your dual boot windows to have in MB. (100.000MB = 100GB) and hit "Shrink". Now if you scroll down you should be able to find a "Unallocated" Volume with a black bar. The size will always be a bit less then what you specified. Right click in that space and click "New Simple Volume..." Specify Volume Size: As much as it let's you take. Assign Drive Letter or Path: Select whatever letter you want it to be. (I will be selecting "Y" for this example) Format Partition: Leave default for everything and for Volume label you can choose whatever you want. If you open your explorer now you should be seeing a new drive with the letter and label you selected. 1.3. Right click and "Mount" the downloaded iso. 1.4. It should have automatically opened a folder. Open the sources folder and locate the install.wim Shift + Right click the install.wim and click Copy as path. 1.5. Open CMD as Administrator and enter the following command. ImageFile: Path you copied in the step before. ApplyDir: Letter you chose when creating the partition. Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"I:\sources\install.wim" /index:1 /ApplyDir:Y:\ Depending on your disk and general system specifications this can take a while. It should end in "The operation completed successfully." after reaching 100%. 1.6. Download this tool and install it. EasyBCD 2.4.exe Go to "Add new Entry". Name: Enter a name. (Recommended to use a name that let's you know this is not your main partition). Drive: Select the drive letter you chose before when creating the new volume. Hit the green plus button. 1.7. It will look like it didn't do anything but you should be able to find your changes in the "Edit Boot Menu" tab on the left. Here you can change a couple more things like the order and default OS. The only setting I like to change here is to use "Use Metro bootloader". Just makes it look a bit nicer. 1.8. From now on when you start up your PC you should be able to select which of the two OS' you want to boot. Upon first boot of the new Windows partition you will be greeted with the standard Windows installation. Feel free to select whatever you want here. A few tricks from me: If you don't connect wifi and ethernet during setup you won't be forced to connect a microsoft account. If you leave the password blank on the initial setup you won't be forced to set security questions. You can either use it without a password or set one later. 1.9. Done.
  22. If you can't remove the updates as stated in the guides you can get older isos with rufus. Or another option would be to download a windows 10 2004 iso and install that. https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php would be one site where you can download that.
  23. Spoofer is not included. Needs to be purchased as an extra subscription. However both can be run at the same time. Not streamproof. No info on squad yet as it's still in development.
  24. That's wrong information here @m1stY@PKU4LIFE You connect both pcs to ethernet and then a local vpn from gaming pc to the second pc. Wifi works as well, however, we highly recommend ethernet. Connecting directly over the second PC as described above works as well, but is currently not a solution we provide guides/support for. If you have further questions about wether it will be possible we recommend opening a ticket in the discord as we will be able to provide faster and more responsive support there. In addition to getting access to the major part of the community you will also get news and status updates over the discord server. You can join the discord here: https://discord.gg/Y8VgGpgDBt
  25. Hello Usually it shouldn't matter, however we always recommend connecting both vie ethernet if possible. Some routers also restrict traffic between wifi and ethernet so that might block it as well.
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