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Everything posted by LockDown

  1. Feel free to open a ticket in our discord if you require assistance with this setup! We kindly ask that you at least try to follow either the Video Guide or the Text Guide before opening a ticket! For your own safety we advise you to carefully read ALL the red text on this page : ) Requirements Hardware Game device (Your main Gaming PC) Before you start here you need to finish the -> english-hybrid-vpn-connection-guide Text Guide 1.1. Firstly, open your Windows File Explorer by typing explorer in the Windows Serachbar 1.2. Now type on the top searchbar %appdata% and hit Enter. 1.3. Now Navigate to Micorsoft > Network > Connections > Pbk 1.4. Rightclick " rasphone " and send a Shortcut to your Desktop and rename it as you prefer. 1.5. Now you can just easy Doubleclick the Shortcut to connect to your Created VPN You are done with the Hyprid-VPN Shorcut setup. Troubleshooting / Testing Functionality -> english-hybrid-vpn-connection-guide Feel free to open a ticket in our discord if you require assistance with this setup! We kindly ask that you at least try to follow either the Video Guide or the Text Guide before opening a ticket! If you have any ideas or improvements for this guide feel free to message PaXe#1111 on Discord. It's always nice to see some feedback so don't be shy and let us know what you think!
  2. Most Trusted PayPay Reseller, Metz stays along time with Cluth 0 Problems 100% Recommended!
  3. Hey, I'm glad you want to try it with us... With your PC it would be possible to operate the radar! he's not perfect. there could be lags or delays with the overlay of the radar But If I were you, I would try... Join our Discord and open a #presale-ticket so we can help you faster and in Live sincerely LockDown
  4. We also offer a VIP + solution for people who do not have or do not want to have DMA .. Would that be interesting for you? This solution is just as secure as the one with DMA And undetected for over a year.... so u need a sub for this https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/2-vip-subscription/ and https://clutch-solution.com/store/category/12-escape-from-tarkov-esp-and-radar/ II hope I could help you
  5. His name is Kal-El dont fuck with him xD
  6. Testimonials was Not active at this Time. Or ima wrong? can you move the post
  7. +1 Hunt Showdown would be awesome. Love the Game!! Play it since Alpha More than 1200h but a Player Radar/ESP would be Funny ?
  8. I love Your New Homepage! You try so Hard on the Website and on the product! keep doing it !!
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