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Everything posted by Demon

  1. sheeeesh that's a beaut
  2. Hey, what specific issue are you having? If you want you can open a ticket in our discord and we can help you as well!
  3. Hi, you can select any process you want Just select anyone from the list and keep it open in the background (you can minimize it, just do not close it)
  4. Hey! Thanks for your interest in becoming an official reseller. Let's get some more information first. Perhaps you can tell us about your store and your community, you can use the below as a starting point: 1) How Big Are Your Communities? 2) Which Regions Do You Intend To Sell In? 3) Do You Have More Information On Portfolios? (Discord / Website) --> might be better to tell us this in a discord ticket instead of here 4) Which Products Do You Want To Resell? I highly recommend you join our Presale Discord and open a ticket so we can discuss further
  5. answered in presale ticket!
  6. Hey, it is currently in maintenance. We are actively working on our end to get it up and running again!
  7. Hi, unfortunately sub swaps are not possible. However, your EFT radar sub can be used as a DMA subscription!
  8. The product is still under maintenance. The status will be updated here when it is online again
  9. answered in discord ticket and solved, subs paused until testing is over
  10. answered in discord ticket and solved, subs paused until testing is done
  11. Demon


    lol I read the thread title and thought you got arrest irl for cheesing
  12. Hi, yes it is and we have a guide for it. To access the guide you will need an active DMA-related subscription with us. If you are unable to flash by following the guide, we can try to assist you here or via our discord support tickets (you need an active sub with us). We also have a paid setup ticket option (25 EUR) where a support technician will do the flashing for you, also available via our discord
  13. It will be announced in our discord
  14. Soon we are testing it now
  15. There is always risk when cheesing, but I've gotten double digit pred, played in ALGS and regularly play in tournaments without any issues for the past 3 seasons that I have been using. So, it will all depend on your playstyle. Of course, when KMBOX support is added, the security will be higher and less risk
  16. Hi, as mention in the other thread, there was a detection with VIP+ and consequently the product has been taken offline for investigation and testing (your EFT radar, VIP+, and clutchbox subs are all paused so they don't get wasted). We are already testing a new workaround for VIP+ and if you would like to be one of the testers, please open a support ticket in our discord. Because the product is offline, you will not be able to launch it until its back up
  17. Hello it will work with fuser as we have fuser support. However, we do not have KMBOX support yet. KMBOX support is being actively worked on
  18. Yes the EFT DMA cheese works. VIP+ is the one in maintenance which is for non-DMA users.
  19. Hello! Glad you are joining the DMA team Regarding the difference between LeetDMA V2 and RangerDMA Squirrel Lite, both boards will function fine as DMA cards; however, in terms of quality. longevity of use, and reliability of performance we can only really comment regarding LeetDMA from Engima. Enigma is known to to make good quality boards that last for many years, so we recommend them to our customers if they are looking for a DMA card, they have yet to disappoint us. This guarantee of a solid and reliable product (both in terms of build and card performance, and thereby smooth cheese performance) is why they are priced higher—you pay for a good product. The above also answers the question of which we suggest of the two: definitely Engima's boards Regarding your point about the elitepvper thread, the user was likely talking about the FW ban wave (~2 months ago) that affect many DMA board providers who had FWs that bypassed EAC. A few users that had Engima's preflashed FW were affected in the wave (not all). Other FW providers were also affected. The reason for this was not that the FWs were not 1:1 but rather that a signature was flagged and those FWs that contained the flagged signature were hit. The affected signature was identified and affected users were given replacement CFW if they qualified. So, to reiterate, all Engima DMAs are shipped with custom firmware, you can be sure of that
  20. Great question! Yes the DMA card can be installed in any of the PCI slots regardless of its size. So, you're good
  21. Your DMA's custom's firmware masks the device, just as you said. The concept is that if they cannot see that it's a DMA card, they cannot instantly ban you, also just like you said Your understanding is accurate. Of course, there is a layer of complexity with DMA but the overarching concept is essentially the same
  22. I'm new to DMA I just ordered my second PC which is a gaming laptop with USB 3.1 ports will they work okay with DMA Device such as LeetDMA Pro V2? Yes it will work perfectly if I'm getting a 1:1 custom private FW with the LeetDMA Pro V2 will I need to get any custom firmwire from you guys I'm not sure if they're made to be reverse combatable If you got your leetDMA pro v2 from Engima, there is no other CFW you need to get from us. You'll be good to go once it arrives!
  23. Hello, I've reset your rate limit. Regarding the statement about "opening a ticket" that is referencing our discord That can be found here: https://discord.clutch-solution.com/ If you need help getting it up and running, feel free to let us know the specific issues you're having and we can help out!
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