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[Suggestion] Post Scriptum


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Hi everyone, I thought about something to make CS more attractive and also generate more profit.


We already have Squad Cheats, why wouldn't we support Post Scriptum?
According to https://steamcharts.com/app/736220, there were 200 players in the last 24-hour peak.

I know that it doesn't sound promising, but there aren't many P2C providers supporting this game.
I saw people asking for Post Scriptum on multiple forums and Discord channels.
The game itself is based on Squad, which is currently at version 5.0 as of June 22, 2023. While Post Scriptum is 3.0 since there have been no updates since this year.
Same game engine, same structure just outdated. What needs to be done in order to get CG to work at Post Scriptum?


I might be wrong, but all I think needs to be done is replace offsets and pointers, and the cheat will be ready to go.

The exact same pattern scans to get offsets which are used in Squad can possibly be re-used in Post Scriptum.
Now for the money part, in my honest opinion, Post Scriptum itself should stay as DLC for Squad. It doesn't have a huge player base, and depending on how much work it would take to port it,  the cheat for it should stay free if you own Squad subscription.
That's the overall added value of the Squad subscription, and more people would be interested in purchasing it. If it will take a few hours to port Squad to Post Scriptum and leave everything as it is, I will go for it. If it requires more work, then I would just leave it, it is not worth it for that player base.

Let me know what you think 👀

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5 hours ago, Spyro said:

with a player base that small it wouldnt be worth making a cheese for it currently. But you never know so keep an eye out! 😄



I agree, but from my understanding it shouldn't take too much time to do it since actually the same game (just the old version).
Exact same logger for offsets which is used at Squad can be used at Post Scriptum, replacing offsets and let's see if that will make already a working cheat.

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Hi, wondering if @Uwe had a chance to look at it and if it's matter of logging the offsets and replacing them with Post Scriptum ones or it's way more pain to make it 😁




How can you not like it 👀

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2 hours ago, Luks said:

Hi, wondering if @Uwe had a chance to look at it and if it's matter of logging the offsets and replacing them with Post Scriptum ones or it's way more pain to make it 😁




How can you not like it 👀

We shall see, devs are currently working on BattleBit Remastered. 

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8 hours ago, Spyro said:

We shall see, devs are currently working on BattleBit Remastered. 

Yeah, no worries. I'm not a dev, but from my understanding the game is no different than a squad, so running exact same pattern scanner to get offsets from Squad can be used at Post Scriptum. Then just by replacing the offsets, you already made Post Scriptum 🤭

The Battlebit is on fire, I wish we could have CS for BF4, BF1, BFV 😅It brings good old vibes, you can feel the vibe of BF4/BF3 at Battlebit.

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5 hours ago, Spyro said:

Tarkov had a massive update, devs are still busy fixing it. Trust that this has been brought up and I’m sure we can supply an answer soon 😄

Cool, I just want to know if it's possible to do it with easy fix where you just replace the offsets and you g2g 😁 I would test it myself, but I can't code 🙃
Offset dumper > replace with newest one from Post Scriptum > see if that works 🤣


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On 6/28/2023 at 3:04 PM, Luks said:

Hi everyone, I thought about something to make CS more attractive and also generate more profit.

It's ony going to generate more profit if enough poeople buy it 😄 Otherwise it's just wasted development time and with the current playerbase it doesn't look like it.


We already have Squad Cheats, why wouldn't we support Post Scriptum?
According to https://steamcharts.com/app/736220, there were 200 players in the last 24-hour peak.

What does it have to do with squad? From my understanding it's two completely seperate games. Based on the same base game but now completely different? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Now for the money part, in my honest opinion, Post Scriptum itself should stay as DLC for Squad. It doesn't have a huge player base, and depending on how much work it would take to port it,  the cheat for it should stay free if you own Squad subscription.

So more work for the devs, which are already overloaded with work, but no real money gain? I don't think people would look for a squad cheese to get cheese for Post Scriptum.


On 6/29/2023 at 9:00 AM, Luks said:

I agree, but from my understanding it shouldn't take too much time to do it since actually the same game (just the old version).
Exact same logger for offsets which is used at Squad can be used at Post Scriptum, replacing offsets and let's see if that will make already a working cheat.

Maintaing the current version is already way harder than other titles we offer, now maintaing two versions of it wouldn't make it easier 😄 


On 7/11/2023 at 1:45 PM, Luks said:

Still counting that it only needs offsets swap and it's g2g 😅
@Uwe  👀

Uwe isn't a dev, and please stop tagging the admins.


On 7/12/2023 at 8:31 AM, Luks said:

Cool, I just want to know if it's possible to do it with easy fix where you just replace the offsets and you g2g 😁 I would test it myself, but I can't code 🙃
Offset dumper > replace with newest one from Post Scriptum > see if that works 🤣

Nothing in this industry is that easy 😉

3 hours ago, Luks said:

I know that team is working on Hunt. But wondering if anyone had a chance to look at it? 😄


No, and there really is no time to spare currently. We can maybe take a look after EFT wipe stress is over. But now there is no time unforunately.

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6 hours ago, PaXe said:

It's ony going to generate more profit if enough poeople buy it 😄 Otherwise it's just wasted development time and with the current playerbase it doesn't look like it.

What does it have to do with squad? From my understanding it's two completely seperate games. Based on the same base game but now completely different? Correct me if I'm wrong.

So more work for the devs, which are already overloaded with work, but no real money gain? I don't think people would look for a squad cheese to get cheese for Post Scriptum.


Maintaing the current version is already way harder than other titles we offer, now maintaing two versions of it wouldn't make it easier 😄 


Uwe isn't a dev, and please stop tagging the admins.


Nothing in this industry is that easy 😉

No, and there really is no time to spare currently. We can maybe take a look after EFT wipe stress is over. But now there is no time unforunately.

Hey @PaXe

The Squad and Post Scriptum using exactly same game engine, the only difference is that the game version for Squad is 5.0 and Post Scriptum is 3.0
That means structs should be the same, and same offset dumper can be used to basically make it work in less than 5 minutes of work I guess.

Compare it to Counter-Strike: Source and Day of Defeat: Source. Anything on Orange Box = you will be able to get it to work with minimal amount of work.

PS: I'm not a dev, this is just my opinion. Been in the space since 2011 I believe, but I never coded anything myself.

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