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I have a Visa credit card and a JCB debit card.
The jcb debit card was never supported in the first place.
I was able to use my VISA credit card up to the point of authorization of my cell phone, but after that an error occurred and I was unable to use it.
Is there any other way to pay?
I live in Japan now, and I remember using web money when I tried to make a purchase 2 years ago.

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2 hours ago, EPH39 said:

I have a Visa credit card and a JCB debit card.
The jcb debit card was never supported in the first place.
I was able to use my VISA credit card up to the point of authorization of my cell phone, but after that an error occurred and I was unable to use it.
Is there any other way to pay?
I live in Japan now, and I remember using web money when I tried to make a purchase 2 years ago.

Solutions for known Payment errors:
- There are two options to pay with card. Try both.
- ZIP Postal Code can only contain numbers, no letters.
- Do you have sufficient funds?
- Are you from the US, if yes try: https://privacy.com/
- Try to pay from your phone / clear browser cache / restart router and wait 40 minutes.
- Disable your vpn or try a EU vpn
- Try calling your bank, sometimes they have to manually approve the transaction.
- Typpe hte card number and other details. Don't autofill or copy paste it.
- Try a different card.
- Try to pay prodcuts one by one. Start with the cheapest.
- Try registering. Using the guest checkout can cause issues.





Or you can buy direct from resellers

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2 hours ago, EPH39 said:

I have a Visa credit card and a JCB debit card.
The jcb debit card was never supported in the first place.
I was able to use my VISA credit card up to the point of authorization of my cell phone, but after that an error occurred and I was unable to use it.
Is there any other way to pay?
I live in Japan now, and I remember using web money when I tried to make a purchase 2 years ago.


you can contact our japanese reseller

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