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Everything posted by FLPPPPP

  1. Unfortunately we don't have ETA
  2. Only on some community servers, not all. Not on official servers.
  3. Hello, try use game on windowed mode. Also check if you have green arrows (sync) If you don't have green arrows, try inject again in another process, keep in mind you need to have process open while playing... I suggest to you use snipping tool to inject.
  4. Please open a ticket on our discord
  5. Which method you selected to pay?
  6. Yes you can. also we have guides how to setup your controller. You able to see after purchase
  7. Registro. https://clutch-solution.com/register Acesse nossa lista de cheats e selecione um cheat. https://clutch-solution.com/ Confira os detalhes para todas as informações que você precisa. Recurso, Requisitos, Capturas de tela, Vídeos. Você pode encontrar feedbacks de nossos clientes na aba de avaliações. Compra. Acesse o site no canto inferior esquerdo e clique em 3 dias, 7 dias, 14 dias, 30 dias, 90 dias, 365 dias ou Vitalício. Clique em "Adicionar ao carrinho". Depois, em "Analisar e finalizar compra" e vá para "Finalizar compra". Insira um nome e endereço válidos. Clique em "Continuar para análise do pedido" Selecione um método de pagamento. Digite as informações necessárias. Processe o pagamento. Acesso concedido: Sem tempo de espera. Acesso e ativação instantâneos. Quando o pagamento for concluído e aprovado nas verificações de fraude, você terá acesso instantâneo à nossa área VIP, onde poderá acessar os guias e downloads. Após o pagamento ser concluído, você poderá usar totalmente nossos produtos instantaneamente. Às vezes, você precisa sair e fazer login novamente. (O Guia leva de 1 a 5 minutos, dependendo do jogo.) Atenciosamente, Equipe Clutch Solution
  8. We don't have, and probably there is no way to make a list of this type, since everything depends on the firmware you have installed on your dma.
  9. For support dma you need to have active dma subscription with us. so you will be able to check dma guide
  10. Hello, for paypal you need to buy through Resellers.
  11. Hi, both are safe. Our old solution for CSGO went for 6 years without any detection.
  12. Melkart not. Alteria and Esseker is recently added we already update product page.
  13. You talking about which game? If you don't have DMA, you need to buy 1PC product. If you talking about EFT so you need to buy VIP+ and Radar Sub.
  14. Hello, you will receive your key in 3-5 days after submitted. Key will be delivered in dm
  15. Unfortunately i don't have this information, but have a chance this happens.. so just be clear use new account if you want test
  16. Hello, yes they changed a lot on AC side. But product is working (testing phase - since a few customer get insta ban) if you want to test, you able buy the product and use on alternative account. If you survive for 15-30 minutes without issue you will be good long time =D
  17. Hello... should work though we don't have confirmation about it
  18. Hello, You can check the list of all supported DMAs on the Custom FW purchase page. I will leave the links below. Gray Zone Warfare ESP [2PC DMA Hardware] Firmware - Private custom unique
  19. Please open a ticket on discord we need more information
  20. Already activated... You just need follow the guide now , click on "Read-me"
  21. Reading the guide have step showing how you get it sir... Example:
  22. Hello which method you using? Can you open a ticket on discord?
  23. Like said above you can use resellers let me know if you have more questions.
  24. Hello, open a ticket our discord and we can solve your issue.
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