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Everything posted by FLPPPPP

  1. If you just close the game without restart windows just need open the game again... If you restart your windows you need re-inject solution again... check the guide there explains how to do it
  2. Hello, we will make new announce when update is finished... I recommend to you join our discord to get new updates
  3. Well i'm not from South asia lol and got redirect to garena using your Link
  4. 20241226-1821-06.9593371.mp4 This website auto redirect to Garena... so we have support for it
  5. Hello, what you mean "normal" loader? you have the link for that? Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2507950 Garena: https://deltaforce.garena.com/ WeGame: i don't have the link EpicGame -> Not Supported
  6. Hello, on the plans have support to Marvels Rivals. We will make announce when released thank you.
  7. Updated try again
  8. Important for security reasons: A fuser is required to see the ESP on the Gaming-PC. Without a fuser the ESP is visible on the Second-PC only. (Parsec / Moonlight) Fuser available here
  9. You sure about that sir? i don't think so marauders have cr3 encryption tbh i suggest to you open a ticket our discord so we can investigate your issue.
  10. Hello, here the guide for EFT. Keep in mind if you don't have DMA you need to buy VIP sub as well.
  11. Hello this issue should be already fixed. We pushed new update yesterday about that, but if you still having this issue please open a ticket in our discord
  12. About hotkeys ,can you explain what screenshot you talk about please?
  13. Hello, usb sticky is optional.. you follow the guide and do everything direct on desktop if you prefer
  14. Well... you need give more details, what's issue? You just need follow this guide -> https://clutch-solution.com/forums/topic/58605-setup-guide-arena-breakout-infinite/
  15. Hello sir, No, each account comes with 2 free resets. If you have already used them all, you need to purchase 2 more resets from our store.
  16. I'm not sure if I understood what you meant. However, in Arena you have 3 ESP methods. 1. Fuser 2. Parsec 3. Moonlight With Fuser you will have the ESP on your 2nd PC and it will show on your main monitor. For this you need hardware. In the case of parsec/moonlight, the ESP is drawn on the second PC, and you play on the second PC, you will connect to the game PC using parsec/moonlight remotely.
  17. Hello, try use VPN (Germany server) to download, or try another broswer maybe
  18. Hello sir according to the system, you already have an active sub, you should be able to see the guides.. Otherwise you can try 1. Press ctrl+shift+r 2. Try logout and login again. 3. Try another browser.
  19. Hello sir, please open a ticket our discord.
  20. Hello after you buy the product you will receive access to the guide and there have guide a-z how to setup/startup. But if you still need any kind of help just open a ticket our discord or drop here yours question
  21. Hello, well, you should give more details about your issue sir I don't understand what you want to say by "hi i can open the tarcov cheeds" Also i suggest to you join our discord.
  22. Hello, unfortunately compensation just happens if update take more then 24 hours to completed. This update takes a few hours only
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