Lifetime DnD DMA - Membership
Membership grant access to VIP Forums
Forum sections only visible to Membership Customers.
Lifetime customers will be awarded in our Discord with the special Membership Rank: CLUTCH KING (LEVEL)
With this rank you gain massive benefits!
A few of them are:
-"Clutch King (Level)" Discord Role
-other color as normal subscriber
-higher permission level
-access to more channels
-own channel for CLUTCH KING's only
-the opportunity to join our alpha and beta tests
-highest priority everywhere - Support, Questions, Suggestions, Tickets(...)
Membership grant access to VIP Forums
Forum sections only visible to Membership Customers.
Lifetime customers will be awarded in our Discord with the special Membership Rank: CLUTCH KING (LEVEL)
With this rank you gain massive benefits!
A few of them are:
-"Clutch King (Level)" Discord Role
-other color as normal subscriber
-higher permission level
-access to more channels
-own channel for CLUTCH KING's only
-the opportunity to join our alpha and beta tests
-highest priority everywhere - Support, Questions, Suggestions, Tickets(...)