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[Reseller] Accept World Wide Payment Method: Credit Card, Paypal, Bank Transfer, Paypay, LINEPay, FamilyMart and more

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Click on the link below to purchase or contact us.


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Discord:  https://discord.gg/jUgZYf6Drh

Sellpass:  https://newproject.sellpass.io/


Our Features


We provide support in English, Japanese and Hindi.



We welcome customers from worldwide with our Japanese style polite and kind support



Our support team has staff experience in clutch solutions and provides the highest quality support.
私達のスタッフにはClutch Solutionのスタッフを経験したスタッフが在籍しており最高品質のサポートを提供可能です。


24/7 Support Available


Instant Delivery Available



Price List


Apex 1PC

Week - 29 USD(4,000 JPY)

Month - 72 USD (10,000 JPY)
Lifetime - Ask


Apex DMA 2PC

Week - 36 USD (5,000 JPY)

Month - 86 USD (12,000 JPY)
Lifetime - Ask


Apex Radar DMA 2PC

Month - 57 USD (8,000 JPY)

Lifetime - Ask


Week - 72 USD (8,000 JPY)

Month - 122 USD (18,000 JPY)


Week - 36 USD (5,000 JPY)

Month - 93 USD (13,000 JPY)


EFT Clutchbox

週 - 36 USD (5,000 JPY)

月 - 57 USD (8,000 JPY)


Pool FW & Custom FW

Pool FW - 100 USD (15,000 JPY)
Custom FW - 150 USD (20,000 JPY)


HWID Reset

   2Times - 18 USD (2,500 JPY)






Edited by NotitIe
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I have purchased APEX DMA.
I will buy it again.
Thank you very much


APEX DMAを購入させて頂きました


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I purchased APEX DMA 1month subscription.
Glow was easy to see and great.
I will buy from you guys. Thank you.

APEX DMA 1ヵ月キーを買いました。


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I purchased DMA and sol for 1 month and received support for the introduction. I was taught in detail and carefully from how to open the cover of the PC. Thank you very much for installing sol remotely after the DMA mount.


DMA購入とsol1ヶ月購入して導入サポートしていただきました。 PCのカバーの開け方から細かく丁寧に教えてもらいました。 DMAマウント後からは遠隔でsol導入までやってもらえました、ありがとうございました。

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